Saturday, April 23, 2011

And now for something completely different...

I do quite a bit of stained glass work in my summers, and completed a continuing education course at Conestoga for stained glass.  I enjoy working with the glass very much, any artwork is fun for me really.  Above is a pair of lampshades I sold to a lady in my hometown, and in the background is a window I made for a different customer.  The lampshades each had 49 pieces and the poppy window had 89.


Friday, April 22, 2011

This oughtta make you wonder.

My final project for Photoshop class was the put together some images from around Toronto, my sister went to OCAD University, and I always liked the look of that big checkered box up on stilts.  Just down the street is the AGO, little do the people lined up there know, but they're under attack!

Hope you like spiders.


Thursday, April 21, 2011


     Unfortunately, I don't have an AVI of my swimming lamp around, but this here is what we did for our midterm exam in our animation class.  It was a fun project, all we had to do was animate the lamp hitting the ball, but I had that done so fast I kept going on.  Looking back, my time probably would have been better spent refining the animation of it hitting that first ball, but what can I say?  It's just in me to break out of the constraints of most assignments; my disadvantage.  The teacher never much approved of my moving cameras, but I held onto them because I like the effect, something like looking out of a mirror, if that makes sense.


If I find more AVIs around I'll upload them, but for now, that's it for animation.  I should upload some stained glass soon...


Tuesday, April 19, 2011


So, just a quick post of some older artwork that I did on my own time, this summer I plan to do a lot more.  I start with this post with some digital artwork that was fun,

In the style of my favourite webcomic 'The Order of the Stick' by Rick Burlew, I made this avatar for the forums.  He's an NPC I created for the main campaign that I run.  For those that understand, he's an Epic-Level Dwarf Binder.  He's not a happy dwarf.

Gregor here was done even longer ago, you could say he was the first thing I ever composed in Photoshop, he started out as a doodled faee, and when I applied to George Brown for Game Development, my girlfriend taught me to colour and I filled him out.


And as always, more to come.


Monday, April 18, 2011


To finish up posting on Photoshop 2 I'll post the my first and last project in that course,

As I've said before, I'm not much of a cartoonist, and I often put much to much detail into my creations.  In this cell-shading exercise, I can't say I was too successful.

Now this is a project that I was much more satisfied with.  I just finished it last night, we were to make a spaceship or land vehicle basically.  We have to model it in 3D, and then compose it in Photoshop.  I was moderately pleased with the outcome of mine.  It looks like a helmet that would land on your head so the tiny alien inside could control you...   Mhm.  It goes without saying I think that I based the design off a ladybeetle.


I think in the next post I'll put up some work I've done on my own time.  Also, I'll have to do a movie review at some point I do think.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Second Semester

There was one more 3D model from last semester that I could have posted, but I never made a render of it, it was a cool scythe I designed and modelled before we were taught how to render.  Perhaps one day I'll get around to that.


However, now we can get into second semester, I will begin with some pieces of digital art that I put together for my second semester Photoshop Class

This character came to me one night when I was laying down for bed, the next day I drew him up in a couple different poses, developed the concept, and then coloured him in Photoshop.  I was pretty happy with him at the time, looking at it now however...  Well, it's an artistic cliche to dislike your own work, so, I'll let the viewer be the judge.

This was one project that I was very pleased with when I finished it.  We were given a brief on a story about space pirates and a multiplying monster, we could illustrate either of them, and I chose the monsters, here's what I came up with.  The picture was very challenging for me as it had a great many number of surfaces in it, including metal, skin, marble, membrane, lips, eyes, and water, many of which I had no experience with in Photoshop.  But I worked on this piece for several days and I think it turned out pretty good.


I wish I had blogged more through the months, however, I am happy to look nostalgically over all my own work and see how I've improved.


Quick Post

I did some Flash last semester as well, and although there isn't really much to say of my ineptitude in coding, I did do a small bit of art for the class.  By that I mean I made one horrible atrocity.

Say hello to Turbo Shark-Dragon,

The stars were added just for blogs.  Haha.

I have to say that coding was not my forte, if only you could see the awful controls on this thing.  But I still love him.


Saturday, April 16, 2011

Another Showcase of my Novice Work in Photoshop

Like I said yesterday, there's still so much more to upload.  I'll put up a few more pictures today of projects I did in last semester's Photoshop class.

One of my very, very first projects in the class, we were to choose a logo to replicate.  Of course, being the Dungeon Master that I am, I chose to work on the 3.5 logo for Dungeons & Dragons.  It turned out okay, it's much brighter than the actual logo though.  I can't beat myself up too much for these older pieces as they were all just learning experiences.  Though I guess you could say that about any art project.

A midterm exam in the Photoshop class saw us assembling many provided stock pictures of popular video game assets into a faux magazine cover.  For the time that I finished this in, I think it looks alright. I've never been much of a Street Fighter, but "Hadouken" is a word that holds a special place in every cheesy gamer's heart.

The project here was to photoshop a metal surface.  I started off by referencing an online tutorial,  then went my own direction.  I have as little idea as you do about what the meaning in this picture is.  I need to send it to my fellow Dungeoners though for a desktop wallpaper, as nonsensical as it is.


More to come of course, but I think that's all I'll post for my first semester's Photoshop class.  There were a bunch of Paper Mario assets that we traced in Illustrator and recoloured, however,  I'm not one to hold much stock in traced pictures.



Friday, April 15, 2011


With just a week to catch up on posting a whole lot of work, I think I'll start posting my favourite assignments from each class I've taken this year.

Starting tonight with my Photoshop class from last semester.

Here I just did the colouring and the cross-hatching, we were told to do so in whatever style we wanted. As you can see, against my realistic tendencies, I went with a decidedly Dr. Seuss look.  It quickly became a fun project once I saw the potential for colour.

The swords above were part of a final exam in my Photoshop class in my first semester.  The sword on the left was given to us, as well as an outline of the sword on the right.  Our job was to copy the style from the old sword onto the new.  I think I did a fair job, it was my first time really doing anything like this, with opacity and flow, I learned a lot in those three hours.

A game background was the project.  I'm not quite sure what exactly it was that inspired me to make what you see here.  It was just an amalgamation of several Dungeons & Dragons ideas I've had over the years.  In any case, it turned out okay, looking back I've certainly vexed with a few details, but it was a fine experiment in using textures in Photoshop.


So there's just a few little pics  however, there will be more to come, there was so many pieces done in this class alone that I'll be posting more tomorrow (or later today rather), but I need some sleep first.

I have to get some stuff on here that I haven't just been doing for school, which to be frank is scarce in the past few months.